The Mechanism artwork prints

360.00 (GBP)



> The Mechanism artwork prints can be purchased as high quality numbered and signed artwork prints.

>  Artwork prints have an image size of 42cm² and a canvass size of 49cm².

> Larger artwork prints can also be ordered by request.

> To view the full selection of the artwork prints you will first need to purchase (or otherwise access) The Mechanism monograph. Alternatively you can choose from the artwork selection here. Further artworks will be available to view here once the new impression of The Mechanism has been re-published.

> When placing your order remember to include the artwork title within the Order Notes in the check-out form.


The Mechanism can be found in collections within the UK and abroad including:
The British Library, London, UK / The Bodleian Library, Oxford, UK / Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK / National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales / National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland / amongst other public and private collections. Thanks to all.


See: The Mechanism